Saturday, May 16, 2020

The Position Argument At High School - 924 Words

Final Exam- Position Argument Throughout high school, students are told over and over how they need to go to college. Some students decide to go to college and some don’t. I will be honest, I didn’t want to attend college at all after high school. Mostly because I didn’t like school, and I was tired of hearing everyone tell me I needed to go, so I rebelled and didn’t enroll in any college. I didn’t understand the importance of a college degree at that time. After getting married in 2013, I began to realize what a mistake I made. We struggle from day-to-day, because I don’t make enough at my job. I can’t move higher up in the â€Å"career ladder†, because I didn’t take the opportunity to earn a degree. I believe this is something that happens too often. High school students are not informed of how important college is and the purpose of it. College opens so many opportunities for people. A degree can equip adults with the abilities to successfully do a job better than someone starting fresh out of high school. The purpose of college is to go beyond the education of high school and give adults the knowledge they need for success in the world. A college education offers more job opportunities for students with degrees. An employer will be more likely to hire someone with a college degree than someone who doesn’t have a college degree. I work in a school system as a paraprofessional for special education. I want to become a teacher, but I can’t do that without a college degreeShow MoreRelatedThe Debate On The Sat901 Words   |  4 Pagesfirst argument in the debate, I will dub these arguments one and two respectively, maintains the positon that the SAT favors those who are able to pay for the exorbitant tutoring services, the best study guides, SAT books such as â€Å"Direct Hits†, SAT programs such as â€Å"Kaplan† and â€Å"2400 Expert SAT Prep.† Argument One also m aintains the position that these students attended prestigious private institutions or top public schools that provided them with the tools, such as advanced professors or school equipmentRead MoreFree Speech Rights, The Establishment Clause, And Their Incorporation Under The 14th Amendment1309 Words   |  6 PagesThis case involves a number of issues concerning free speech rights, the Establishment Clause, and their incorporation under the 14th Amendment. 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